Rebellious bundle for the Sci-Fi horror tabletop RPG Mothership
Latest Updates from Our Project:
We're printing!
4 months ago
– Sun, Oct 06, 2024 at 05:55:43 AM
We're printing!
We officially pressed the print button on Tuesday. That was a huge step, exciting and frightening, but also a relief. The bundle's items will be delivered to our facility in batches, roughly corresponding to the bundle rewards tiers, to facilitate the assembly process and allow some quality control. I want to be triple sure everything looks just good as it should be!
The whole production and assembly should take two and a half months. I'm sorry the delivery date has been pushed. I wish I had announced a more accurate shipping date on day 1; That's on me.
I had already published a few bundles before ORU's launch, but I was surprised to have so many new things to deal with. I've learned so much during the last few months! That's partly a result of the production process I've set up. Rather than delegating everything to a vendor, we do many things in-house and work with a medium-sized printer. I'm super happy with this choice; as mentioned before, the printer accompanies us at every step, and their experience helps us make informed decisions.
I know the contents of the bundle rock, and I want the physical object to be as good as the words and the art it encloses!
I'll send you pictures of the boxes and batches as soon as I get the first zines!
Thanks again for your support.
Have a great Sunday.
Five sentence update
5 months ago
– Thu, Sep 12, 2024 at 10:54:06 AM
Hey, space pirates! I'm waiting to have pushed the print button to send you a detailed update. It should happen soon. Thanks for your patience. Long live the Outer Rim! Cheers Iko
July Update, Campaign Handbook preview
6 months ago
– Sun, Aug 04, 2024 at 09:03:23 AM
Here’s a summer update, long overdue. I apologize for the delay, I was waiting for the last print tests which I collected on Thursday.
Here’s what’s changing:
They Won't Cage Us: cover texture wasn’t enough apparent, FIXED.
Professional Rebels, Knuckles Co: spread alignment issues, FIXED.
Welcome to Cidus II,A Saboteur’s Guide to Cidus II: we wanted to try a thicker stock, DONE. Looks good, but pamphlets now don’t close as well as before. It’s a DRAW! We might keep the initial stock.
The Hunger in Achernar, decrypted/ the original coated stock felt too glossy, we wanted to test uncoated and recycled stocks. DONE. The uncoated one seems to fit best the rest of Magnum Galaxy’s zine aesthetics, we’ll print uncoated.
To be frank we might print on uncoated stock other zines as well. This particular print shop provides astounding quality prints on uncoated paper (because of ink and stock choice) but the uncoated papers give a slight lo-fi touch that fits the bundle.
What’s happening next?
Print shop is closed during August
We’ll print in early September
Fulfillment in October
Royal Mail is offering us a pretty neat discount on tracked international, so we might fulfill the US from the UK. That would save time + costs of export to the US. We need to confirm though.
What else?
We’ve just sent you a text only draft of the Campaign Handbook (google doc): check your emails + digital downloads on Backerkit! The file is missing a few sections so don’t panic if you notice a few inconsistencies (something is mentioned, but doesn’t appear in the book) as we’re (I’m actually) finishing to write those right now. We’ll do a second edit pass on the manuscript in a few weeks and we’ll update the file then, so a few sections might change. Also unfortunately references to pages (p.xx) are broken in the text only doc (as they’re intended for the printed book pagination).
That’s pretty much everything. We’re going to have two to three months of delay on the expected schedule. I'm really sorry about this. I want this bundle to be a really special thing, and it’s taking a bit more time than planned.
As always, thanks for your support and patience.
Have a great August and stay well. Iko
Knock, knock, knock.
8 months ago
– Sat, Jun 22, 2024 at 09:28:22 AM
Hey Space Rebels! Here’s a quick update about the latest Outer Rim Uprising activity, and a video!
Forgive the bullet point style.
What has been done last month:
We’ve distributed digital rewards, if you haven’t got yours, please send a DM, we’ll sort things out
We’ve distributed additional digital rewards today: back catalog items
The Campaign Handbook editing and revision first pass is over. I’m polishing up a few additional parts before sending it to the last editing pass. I’m not gonna lie, I’m having a blast working on it, everyone has done an excellent job on this zine. It’s going to be big and good!
We’ve completed the first print test of the zines. All samples have been sent over to the respective designers.
We’ve received the second print test of the box. It looks awesome: we’ve zoomed in a bit the cover art. The quality is insane. It's as sturdy as a titanium vibra hammer. Check the video below (note that a few items are missing). Knock, knock, knock!
What’s going to happen next:
We do a second print test for just a few zines. We want to try different papers, adjust paper weights.
The Campaign Handbook goes to the editing final pass end of next week.
We send you over the Campaign Handbook text only file once editing pass 2 is over.
Campaign Handbook goes to layout.
We place the production order for the patches.
We place the production order for the audio cassette.
We place the main production order for the zines + all the rest.
We’re going to have a bit of delay over the planned June delivery date, but right now I can’t share an updated timeline. I first need to go over the last print tests to finish setting up the whole production schedule with the lead printer. We’re trying to group as many print jobs as possible to facilitate logistics, handling, and lower the cost.
I should be able to share a detailed updated timeline in a week or two max.
Lastly, a notice about late pre-orders. I’ll be locking and charging late pre-orders every week, on Sundays, to allow you to access the digital files.
As always if you have issues accessing the digital files, or need to adjust something shoot me a DM on Kickstarter or an email at [email protected]
And, if you’ve played ORU modules, I’d love to read your play reports or first impressions. Drop them in the comments!
Have a great weekend
Status Update May 2024-2
9 months ago
– Wed, May 15, 2024 at 01:38:58 PM
Hey folks
We locked orders and charged cards as planned. Thanks everyone for responding/updating your info!
As a reminder, addresses are still not locked.
If your card payment hasn't gone through don't worry, we'll retry unsuccessful payments next week.
As always if you have any questions feel free to DM.
Starting tomorrow and until Monday I might be a bit slower in responding, as I'll be at the Modena Play convention in Italy. We'll be kindly hosted at Stratagemma’s booth as an international guest. If you happen to be there, come and say hi.